New Hungerbutton Publications and Exhibitions

Kent Manske: A SurveyPreNeo Press & Hungerbutton Books are artfully excited to bring you two new monographs:

Kent Manske: A Survey with an introduction by Drew de Arc.

A survey of artwork by our own printmaker and book artist Kent Manske, who processes the world through the creation of personal visual narratives and symbols. Full color. Paperback.

Diane Cassidy: Responding to aMuseDiane Cassidy: Responding to aMuse with an introduction by Jade Bradbury & interview by Nanette Wylde.

In this oeuvre, which spans thirty years of capturing the world as seen through the lens of photographer and maker of artists’ books, Diane Cassidy, she demonstrates a consistent vision sparked by humor, wit, intelligence, and a keen sensibility that makes us think, undermines our equilibrium and forces us to look at things from a different perspective. Full color. Paperback.

Kent & Nanette are both exhibiting in (This is Ourselves) Under Pressure! at 1890 Bryant Street Studios in San Francisco. This exhibition is in conjunction with Paper on the Press 2014 a conference co-hosted by The American Printing History Association, Friends of Dard Hunter, and The San Francisco Center for the Book. The exhibition was curated by Anne Beck.

Nanette is showing artists’ books, electronic flipbooks and in Book Art Art Book at the Crawford Campus Center Gallery, The Episcopal Academy, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. This exhibition was curated by Susan Coote and runs through October.

Also showing through October is an exhibition curated by Nanette of books by Bay Area Book Artists at the Menlo Park Library in Menlo Park, California.

Southern Graphics Conference in the Bay Area


There is a dizzying schedule of printmaking events and activities in the Bay Area this week associated with the Southern Graphics Council (SGCI) printmaking conference, March 25 – 29. Below are several opportunities to see our new work. For conference schedule visit Bridges SGCI Schedule.

We hope to see you.
Kent & Nanette


Undercurrents, a group portfolio Kent curated is exhibited at the Peninsula Museum of Art through June 8.
SGCI Reception: Thursday, March 27, 5-7 pm.
Public Reception: Sunday March 30, 1- 4 pm.

Artists: José Arenas, Servane Briand, Julia Bradshaw, Mike Day, Ema Harris-Sintamarian, Ianne Kjorlie, Eric Kneeland, Kent Manske, Robin McCloskey, Doug Minkler, Susan O’Malley, Fanny Retsek, Karen Rush, Nanette Wylde.

I Will Remember by Nanette Wylde. Whence by Kent Manske.

Awagami Paper Factory

Our new prints and books printed on Awagami paper will be shown at the conference Vendor and Publisher’s Fair.

terrain_3 passing
Terrain & Passing by Kent Manske.

Wabi Sabi

Kent Manske & Eric Kneeland screen printed on the gallery wall during the Wabi Sabi opening reception March 15, 2014. The exhibition run through April 12th.
Alterspace Gallery, 1158 Howard Street (between 7th & 8th)
Thursday-Saturday 1-6 pm


Other Conference Events

The Mission Art Walk is a self-guided walk takes place Saturday evening, March 29, 2014, from 6 to 9 p.m. and includes 17 different venues, all featuring printmaking and works on paper. Here’s a pdf map.

Photo by Harlan Crowder.

CSI: Las Vegas

CSI: Las Vegas Cover PreNeo Press is dancing in the streets and putting on the Ritz with the launch of CSI: Las Vegas.

CSI = Cultural Spectacle Investigation.

CSI: Las Vegas is the second in a series of urban photographic explorations which result in full color, print-on-demand, artists’ books. CSI: Las Vegas was created by Kent Manske and Nanette Wylde. It is published by Hunger Button Books.

To receive your personal invitation to the costume extravaganza launch party, scheduled for Saturday, October 26, 2013 at PreNeo Press in Redwood City, California, email to:

Rumor has it Elvis will be in the house!

Autumn Art

wylde Diverse Paths

Our current exhibitions and events.

Diverse Paths
Augmented Reality Installation
Public art commission for the Palo Alto Art Center
located on the Embarcadero Road lawn through December 8, 2012.

The Art Center is having its Grand Re-opening on October 6.
Funded by ArtHERE/ZERO1 San Jose.


Feminism and the Artist’s Book
In conjunction with Materializing “Six Years”: Lucy R. Lippard and the Emergence of Conceptual Art at The Brooklyn Museum

Central Booking
Brooklyn, New York
October 19-December 30, 2012
Reception: October 19, 6-8pm


Printmaking Center of New Jersey
August 18 – October 13, 2012


Book Arts Jam
We’ll be showing our newest book: Creative Sightseeing Investigation: NYC

Lucie Stern Community Center (new location)
1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA
October 20, 2012, 10am – 4 pm
Bay Area Book Artists


The Art of Education: De Anza and Foothill Art Faculty/Staff Show
Euphrat Museum of Art
Cupertino, California
October 22 – December 7, 2012
Reception: Wednesday, Oct. 24, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m
Open Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.


X Libris
Root Division
3175 17th Street
San Francisco, California
Nov 7th – Dec 1st
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 10,  7 – 10pm
Closing Reception: Friday, November 30, 5 – 8pm


Seeing Silicon Valley
Augmented Reality Intervention
at fine cultural institutions in the downtown San Jose area
Available indefinitely.


PreNeo Press is celebrating 20 years of creative collaboration!

Earth • Science • Art

Kent and Nanette are exhibiting new work in:

Earth • Science • Art
R. Blitzer Gallery
Santa Cruz, California.

earth • science • art/sixteen collaborative explorations is a project that pairs 16 artists from California’s Central Coast and the greater San Francisco Bay Area with 16 scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, located in Santa Cruz, California.

Opening Reception:
Friday, June 1st, 5 – 9pm

Closing Reception:
Friday, July 6th, 5 – 9pm

Conceived and curated by Lisa Hochstein.

Open Studios & Current Exhibitions

finder two by kentJoin us May 19 & 20 for an afternoon of hanging out and talking about art.

Silicon Valley Open Studios
We are site #27.
Hours: 11 – 5
33 Dexter in Redwood City

Current  & Upcoming Exhibitions:

Earth • Science • Art opens June 1 at R. Blitzer Gallery in Santa Cruz, California.

Nanette’s The Qi Project, which many of you participated in (thank you!), is published in the Spring 2012 edition of The New River,  a journal of digital writing and art out of Virginia Tech University.

Hello Catty! is showing at: Artists’ Book Cornucopia III, Abecedarian Gallery in Denver, Colorado thru June 2; and at the annual Altered Book fund raiser at Marin MOCA in Marin, California thru May 26.

If you are in or visiting Indiana, Nanette has a print in Man as Object: Reversing the Gaze at The Kinsey Institute Gallery located in Bloomington, Indiana thru June 29.

Image: Finder Two by Kent Manske.

DYAD at Art Ark Gallery

Kent & Nanette will be showing new works in:


DYAD is a group show of thirty local artists who have chosen two pieces of their art to exhibit together as a unit. The theme of the show is intended to create an exhibition of paired works that suggest a dialogue or create a dynamic interaction; be it complimentary or opposite, attraction or repulsion or somewhere in between the works are attempting to engage each other as well as the viewer.

Curated by Valerie Raps

Reception: Friday, February 3rd from 6-9pm with live Classical Guitar by Gene Torchia. Gallery is open by appointment only.

Contact: Valerie Raps at

Art Ark Gallery, 1035 South 6th St, San Jose

Whirligig Interview: Valerie Raps

raps_smWhirligig is all tooled up over a new interview with metal arts artist Valerie Raps and her recent public art project for San José’s  Alum Rock History Corridor Project.

Cultivating Community is a life-size, stylized spring tooth harrow created from fabricated steel and cast bronze. The tines of the harrow are made from casting the arms of ten San José community members.

The sculpture is located at Tropicana Shopping Center at King and Story Roads in East San José.

The dedication ceremony is Saturday, October 29, 10:15 – 11:30 am.

Read Valerie’s interview here:

Autumn Events

Between Us cover imageWe have a few things going on this season to share with you.

Book Arts Jam at Foothill College
Saturday October 15, 10 – 4
Nanette will be writing Poems on the Spot with Robert Perry as part of Spontaneous Word Combustion
Both Kent and Nanette will be showing book works in several of the Jam exhibitions, including a group showing of Focus Generator inspired projects.

Uncommon Threads
23 Sandy Gallery, Portland, Oregon.
September 23 – October 29

Encoded Structures: Interpreting the Story
Handmade & Bound, Watkins College of Art, Nashville, Tennessee
September 30 – October 31

15th Anniversary Exhibition
San Francisco Center for the Book, 16th at Deharo, San Francisco, California
through November

Man as Object: Reversing the Gaze
SOMArts Cultural Center, 934 Brannan Street, San Francisco.
November 4 – 26

The Asian Connection: Art in a Global Age
Asian Arts Gallery at Towson University, Towson, Maryland.
through November 5

New Year Events

01doll-christopher3Gualala Arts presents Dolled Up, featuring the works of Signe Barrar, Elaine Benjamin, Matthew Christopher, Eileen McGarvey, Jane Reichhold, Shannon Shea, and Nanette Wylde.

In this exhibition artists push the limits of how we understand and think about the doll using installations, video and animation, portraits, books, narratives and unique doll objects.

The reception is Friday, January 7, 2011 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The exhibition runs through January 30, 2011.

More info at: Gualala Art Center

While you’re in the stunning left coast towns of Northern California catch José Arenas’ book signing on Saturday, January 8 at the Phoenix Restaurant in Point Arena. 5:30 – 7ish pm.

José’s book,  A Little Piece of Happiness, was recently published by PreNeo Press’ Hunger Button Books .

Image: Matthew Christopher, Western 1:47

A Little Piece of Happiness: Paintings of José Arenas

josecover300Hunger Button Books is delighted to present A Little Piece of Happiness: Paintings of José Arenas. This monograph features 53 of the paintings Arenas created between 2005 and 2009.

José Arenas is an Oakland, California and Brooklyn, New York based artist who spent much of his childhood traveling between Northern California and Guadalajara, Mexico. His experiences navigating cultures, past and present, is a point of investigation in his work. Themes in his imagery include migration, memory, childhood, rites of passage, and disjointed identities.

Book launch and signings are in the works. Tentative schedule includes PreNeo Press Studios in Redwood City on December 20 and a Gualala/Point Arena locale on January 8.

Friend us on Facebook for updates and news.

Book Arts Jam 2009


PreNeo Press and Hunger Button Books are delighted to participate in the 8th Annual Book Arts Jam, Saturday, October 17, at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, California.

Saturday, Oct. 17, 10am – 4pm

We will have books, prints, Meaning Makers, and democratic multiples for your visual and intellectual amusement. Additionally, Nanette will be writing poems on the spot at Spontaneous Word Combustion, a BABA fundraising collaboration with Robert Perry and members of Bay Area Book Artists.

Directions and info at:

Open Studio on Saturday, Sept.12

PreNeo Press will be participating in an Open Studio event at Linden Street Artists’ Warehouse in Redwood City.

Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009
Time: 6 – 9 pm
Location: Linden Street Artists’ Warehouse

275-B Linden Street, Redwood City, California
Across the street from the Target Shopping Center on the west side of El Camino Real (just south of Hwy 84/ Woodside Road). Behind the Chinese Restaurant.

We hope to see you there!
Kent & Nanette
