Whirligig has just published its 25th interview
In early 2009 Nanette launched our Whirligig project. The impetus has always been to celebrate creatives in our communities by bringing a little bit of attention, and hopefully insight, into what they do and why they do it. The real benefit for us though, has been how the interview process helps us to get to know these individuals, and our resultant increased understanding and appreciation of their various practices and works.

The series name, Whirligig, comes from its historic roots as both a torture device and a toy, characterized by its whirling or spinning nature. We named it thus as a celebration of the creative life, which may sometimes be torturous, often leaves us spinning, but without a doubt is the most amazing playground.
Whirligig Interview with Minoosh Zomorodinia

Minoosh Zomorodinia is an interdisciplinary artist and curator working in time, space and the natural world. Her current art practice involves nature walks which are documented via smart phone app. The resultant maps are then made tangible via a variety of both old and new technologies. There is an edgy, accessible humor in much of her work—this she calls “the abstract absurd.” In actuality, Zomorodinia uses all aspects of her making to parse and comment on current critical issues including borders and territories, colonialism, immigration, culture and identity, stereotyping, relations of the self to the environment, the power of technology, and the art world itself. Her work is both layered and engaging—smart, funny, and often visually exquisite.
You can read Minoosh’s Whirligig Interview here.
Summertime Exhibitions
Kent is showing in the annual Salon at the Triton Museum
Triton Museum of Art
Santa Clara, California
through September 12, 2021

Omnis Cellula e Cellula, Version 6 (Cells 25, 03, 55, 29)
We both are showing in the California Society of Printmakers‘
Extraction: Response to the Changing World Environment
Sanchez Art Center
Pacifica, California
through August 15, 2021

Nanette’s artist’s books and prints are also on view at:
The Main Gallery
883 Santa Cruz Avenue
Menlo Park, California
Tuesday—Sunday, 11am—5pm
We continue to look forward to times when we can gather together carefree. We wish you safe keeping, good health, engagement and hopefulness.
Kent & Nanette