You are the Tree

We are excited to share our current project with you!

Join us in downtown Redwood City during one of our five public interaction events, or let us know a time that works better for you.

For this commission, we created a 400 year old, Coast Redwood Tree stump by making paper pulp from locally sourced, Redwood City, craft industry byproducts such as: spent beer grain, eggshells, fabric scraps, flower parts and hair. There are 25 unique bark sections which are tagged with legacy tree markers to identify both contributors and byproduct materials. Each section celebrates local labor and honors people who make things with their hands.

Exhibition: February 1—March 8
Outdoor viewing is available 24/7

Artists’ Interaction Dates:
Kent & Nanette will be in the Art Kiosk:
• Tuesday, February 11, 1—3pm
• Wednesday, February 19, 2—4pm
• Thursday, February 27, 3—5pm
• Friday, March 6, 4—6pm
• Saturday, March 7, 10—12pm
and by appointment

Art Kiosk
Courthouse Square
2208 Broadway
Redwood City, California

You are the Tree was commissioned by Fung Collaborative Projects in collaboration with Redwood City Improvement Association for the Redwood City Art Kiosk in 2020.

Happy New Year!

detail You are the Tree, paper pulp, 2020.
detail You are the Tree, paper pulp from local craft industries’ byproducts.

Happy New Year!
We look forward to seeing you with wide open eyes in 2020.

Save the Date
For the last four months, we have been working with over 30 local Redwood City craft industries collecting and making paper pulp out of their byproducts. Our conceptual and sculptural installation, You are the Tree opens February 1, 2020 in Downtown Redwood City.

Please join us for this community celebration of art, history and local labor.

You are the Tree
Opening Reception
February 1, 2020, 4 – 6pm

Redwood City Art Kiosk
2208 Broadway, Courthouse Square
Downtown Redwood City

For a sneak peak of this work in-progress and our community partners: 

Kent & Nanette

You are the Tree was commissioned by Fung Collaborative Projects in collaboration with Redwood City Improvement Association for the Redwood City Art Kiosk in 2020.

CSI: Las Vegas

CSI: Las Vegas Cover PreNeo Press is dancing in the streets and putting on the Ritz with the launch of CSI: Las Vegas.

CSI = Cultural Spectacle Investigation.

CSI: Las Vegas is the second in a series of urban photographic explorations which result in full color, print-on-demand, artists’ books. CSI: Las Vegas was created by Kent Manske and Nanette Wylde. It is published by Hunger Button Books.

To receive your personal invitation to the costume extravaganza launch party, scheduled for Saturday, October 26, 2013 at PreNeo Press in Redwood City, California, email to:

Rumor has it Elvis will be in the house!