Meaning Maker News

mm_logo_smMeaning Maker Academic Conference Edition is published in Visual Communication Quarterly. This special edition of Visual Communication Quarterly is focused on Analog Interactivity and is guest edited by xtine. Volume 16, Number 3, July – September 2009.

Family Gathering Edition is included in the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts democratic assemblage project None of the Above. More at: Minnesota Center for the Book Arts.

Periodic Personal Evaluation Edition will be included in FLAT Journal, an annually released, journal-shaped, mobile art gallery comprised of original, editioned works.

And new Meaning Maker editions are on the horizon!

Meaning Maker, for a value-added existence.

May & June Exhibitions

for Kent & Nanette of PreNeo Press

ebaybies, charcoal and pastel drawings by Nanette

May 1–31 

The Doll Show
Fremont, California 

Our friend Pati Bristow has some very special fetish dolls in this show.

PreNeo Press Open Studios
Join us and several other studios in the building.

May 16 & 17, 11 am–5 pm

275 Linden Street, Redwood City
SVOS Site 30
Across from the Target shopping center on El Camino (behind the Sleep Train)


Polyglot: Expressive Media in Book Arts
Curated by Penny Nii and Sue Friedland

June 13–July 6, 2009

Reception: Saturday June 13 from 5–7 pm
Gualala, California


Digital Art and Narrative exhibition

June 20, 6:30–8:30 pm

in conjunction with Computers and Writing 2009 conference
at UC Davis, Art and King Lounges of the Memorial Union


Bay Area Book Artists
Kent and Nanette both have work in two Bay Area Book Artists exhibitions.

Martin Luther King Library at San Jose State University through May 16

currently at DeAnza College Library, travels to Pleasanton Library in July

launching Whirligig



PreNeo Press and Hunger Button Books are pleased to launch Whirligig.

Whirligig is a platform for engaging in the lives and minds of creative individuals via the interview format.

Launching interviews are with Jack Toolin and Kent Manske.

Visit Whirligig.

This is scope creep.

This is scope creep. The news and information site for PreNeo Press.

PreNeo Press is the conceptual space of Kent Manske and Nanette Wylde.