Winter 2014 Activities


We have a few upcoming exhibitions:

Deep Reading
Euphrat Museum of Art
at DeAnza College
Cupertino, California
February 3 – March 20
Reception February 19, 5:30 – 7:30
Download Parking Pass

The Printed Page
Abecedarian Gallery
910 Santa Fe, Denver, Colorado
February 21 – April 5
Reception: February 21, 6-9pm

Wabi Sabi
Alterspace Gallery

Printmakers Kent Manske, PreNeo Press, and Eric Kneeland, Black Stamp, will orchestrate a loosely planned, instinctually derived, multi-layered, site-specific vertical screen print directly on the gallery wall during the Wabi Sabi opening reception. Reception attendees will be encouraged to influence the work’s evolution throughout the evening.

1158 Howard Street, San Francisco
March 15-April 12
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 15, 7-10pm
Closing Reception: Saturday, April 12, 2-5pm
Gallery hours: Thursday-Saturday 1-6pm

85 Years
Menlo College
1000 El Camino Real
Atherton, California
March 17, 2014 – July 11, 2014
Reception: March 26, 5-7 pm

Southern Graphics Council International Conference
Peninsula Museum of Art
1777 California Dr, Burlingame, California
Reception: TBA

We both are working on commissions for Awagami Paper (Japan) which will be exhibited by Awagami Paper at the upcoming
Southern Graphics Council International Conference
in San Francisco
March 26 – 29

Summer Doings

Meaning Maker Logo We are launching a new Meaning Maker edition: Control, in the exhibition
Character Profile at Root Division
Curated by Jon Fischer
3175 17th Street at Van Ness
San Francisco
Exhibition Dates: July 10 – 27, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 13, 7 – 10p

We hope you can visit the exhibition, but if not you can visit the Meaning Maker website and download all of the Meaning Maker editions to experience in the privacy of your own home.


al-mutanabbi street invite front

Nanette’s book On Judgment: the book of bully created for An Inventory of Al-Mutanabbi Street will be exhibited in New York City at:
Columbia University Libraries
Butler Library

535 West 114th St.
July 16-September 21, 2013

This is an amazing project curated by Beau Beausoleil and Sarah Bodman. It involves 260+ artists and their responses to the bombing of Al-Mutanabbi Street, a historic location for booksellers, tea houses and the heart and soul of the Baghdad literary and intellectual community, in 2007.

This exhibition is traveling for the next few years and may come to a venue near you. You can also see images of most of the books on this project website:


amslNanette will be exhibiting a new augmented reality project, In Other Words, commissioned by TheatreWorks for their New Works Festival at Lucie Stern Theatre in Palo Alto, California, Aug. 10 – 18.

Nanette also co-curated a small exhibition of interactive online works in the Digital Humanities with festival director Tom Bruett.

More information is at the festival website.

Both Kent and Nanette are included in the upcoming 500 Handmade Books, Volume Two, Published by Lark Books and curated by Julie Chen. This book is due to be available in September.

Nanette’s online project: haikU is published in the Rio Grande Review Digital Edition, University of Texas at El Paso. Editors: Scott Rettberg, Leonardo Flores and Juan Pablo Plata.

Experience the Rio Grande Review.

In June, the Earth • Science • Art exhibition curated by Lisa Hochstein last year traveled to USGS headquarters in Reston, Virginia.

We are developing a web presence and network for Bay Area printmakers and print studios. We will provide you more info on this later. For now: Please email us contact information for Bay Area print artists and studios.

Whirligig Interview with Diane Cassidy

Diane Cassidy_afterschooloffontainbleu

PreNeo Press is out of the doll house over a new Whirligig Interview with Bay Area photographer and artist Diane Cassidy. Cassidy celebrates her 82nd birthday this month with the showing of a new series of photographs at the annual San Francisco Altered Barbie show, and the launch of her first website.

You can read Diane’s interview at:

Autumn Art

wylde Diverse Paths

Our current exhibitions and events.

Diverse Paths
Augmented Reality Installation
Public art commission for the Palo Alto Art Center
located on the Embarcadero Road lawn through December 8, 2012.

The Art Center is having its Grand Re-opening on October 6.
Funded by ArtHERE/ZERO1 San Jose.


Feminism and the Artist’s Book
In conjunction with Materializing “Six Years”: Lucy R. Lippard and the Emergence of Conceptual Art at The Brooklyn Museum

Central Booking
Brooklyn, New York
October 19-December 30, 2012
Reception: October 19, 6-8pm


Printmaking Center of New Jersey
August 18 – October 13, 2012


Book Arts Jam
We’ll be showing our newest book: Creative Sightseeing Investigation: NYC

Lucie Stern Community Center (new location)
1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA
October 20, 2012, 10am – 4 pm
Bay Area Book Artists


The Art of Education: De Anza and Foothill Art Faculty/Staff Show
Euphrat Museum of Art
Cupertino, California
October 22 – December 7, 2012
Reception: Wednesday, Oct. 24, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m
Open Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.


X Libris
Root Division
3175 17th Street
San Francisco, California
Nov 7th – Dec 1st
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 10,  7 – 10pm
Closing Reception: Friday, November 30, 5 – 8pm


Seeing Silicon Valley
Augmented Reality Intervention
at fine cultural institutions in the downtown San Jose area
Available indefinitely.


PreNeo Press is celebrating 20 years of creative collaboration!

Whirligig Interview with Lisa Hochstein

Lisa Hochstein, wrap 2

We are putting together the pieces with this summertime Whirligig interview with collage artist and curator Lisa Hochstein.

Lisa recently curated the exhibition Earth • Science • Art for the R. Blitzer Gallery in Santa Cruz. The exhibition paired 16 scientists from the USGS Pacific Coastal & Marine Science Center with 16 Bay Area artists.

Her work can be seen at several Santa Cruz locations this season.  Find out where and Read Lisa’s interview at:

Whirligig Interview: Valerie Raps

raps_smWhirligig is all tooled up over a new interview with metal arts artist Valerie Raps and her recent public art project for San José’s  Alum Rock History Corridor Project.

Cultivating Community is a life-size, stylized spring tooth harrow created from fabricated steel and cast bronze. The tines of the harrow are made from casting the arms of ten San José community members.

The sculpture is located at Tropicana Shopping Center at King and Story Roads in East San José.

The dedication ceremony is Saturday, October 29, 10:15 – 11:30 am.

Read Valerie’s interview here:

Focus Generator

fg_icon_colorPreNeo Press is focusing in on creative strategies with a new online project:
Focus Generator.

Focus Generator is a tool for artists who enjoy the challenge of randomly set project parameters; and for those who find that preset parameters help them to focus their creative energies into projects beyond their previous imaginings.

Focus Generator comes in three flavors: Focus Generator, is the primary engine and provides the highest level of challenge for the contemporary creative. Focus Light is a mid level machine for those who know their media yet enjoy the challenge of content triggers. Custom Focus provides the the highest level of individuation as it allows Participants to custom select from four areas of randomly generated stimuli.

Take the Focus Generator Challenge and check out the creative work of Focus Generator Participants:

Spring 2011 Artists in the Print Studios

maggie_bk_stand_sm Erin Manske and Maggie Manske were our Spring 2011 Residency Artists. These cousins came together during their shared spring break to visit us in California. The projects they created — although they are very different in both concept and form — both demonstrate a strong interest in interpersonal communication.

Erin created a broadside which included her own collected writings. Maggie created a blank journal as a device to communicate with a person she seeks to be closer to.

You can see Erin and Maggie’s projects at PreNeo Press Residency in the Prints Studios.

Summer Reading

Kent and Nanette are launching this summer with three exhibitions showing their artists’ books. Happy Summer reading!


Bibliophoria II
June 16 – July 23
Sebastopol Center for the Arts
6780 Depot St.
Sebastopol, California

BOOKWORKS, Pacific Center for the Book Arts’ Fourteenth Triennial
June 18  –  August 7
San Francisco Public Library
Main branch Skylight Gallery, 6th floor
100 Larkin Street at Grove
San Francisco, California

East for Art in a Global Age
September 8 – November 5
Asian Arts Gallery
Towson University
Towson, Maryland

Whirligig Interview with Jody Alexander

alexander_artistinstudioThe book is open on a new Whirligig Interview with Santa Cruz bookmaking artist, Jody Alexander.

Alexander’s work celebrates collecting, storytelling, and odd characters.

Alexander currently has two solo exhibitions open through May 31: Jody Alexander: Sedimentals at Mohr Gallery, Community School of Music and Art in Mountain View, California; and The Odd Volumes of Ruby B.: An Installation at Saffron and Genevieve in Santa Cruz, California.

Read Jody’s interview at:

Photo by r.r. jones.

Hello Catty!

Hello Catty! by Karen Chew and Nanette Wylde

Karen Chew and Nanette Wylde are meowing up a storm over the completion of their new book Hello Catty!

Hello Catty! is a light-hearted, yet poignant play on catty behaviors couched by a feline perspective and inspired by the meanness of others.

Designed as a movable board book, it consists of five two-page spreads. Each spread contains user interactive elements: wheels, pop-ups, pulls, spinners, windows, flaps, a game and ephemera.

A Hello Catty! celebration event is scheduled for late April. Contact either Karen or Nanette to be included in the guest list. Space is limited.

See more about Hello Catty! at Hunger Button Books.

Whirligig Interview with Stacy Speyer

Stacy Speyer Polyhedra

PreNeo Press is tickled pink to publish a new Whirligig interview with textile artist Stacy Speyer.

Speyer recently completed a residency at the Exploratorium in San Francisco where she created an interactive exhibit of metal geometric forms known as polyhedra for the Exploratorium’s traveling exhibition Geometry Playground.

Visit Whirligig to read Stacy’s interview:

New Year Events

01doll-christopher3Gualala Arts presents Dolled Up, featuring the works of Signe Barrar, Elaine Benjamin, Matthew Christopher, Eileen McGarvey, Jane Reichhold, Shannon Shea, and Nanette Wylde.

In this exhibition artists push the limits of how we understand and think about the doll using installations, video and animation, portraits, books, narratives and unique doll objects.

The reception is Friday, January 7, 2011 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The exhibition runs through January 30, 2011.

More info at: Gualala Art Center

While you’re in the stunning left coast towns of Northern California catch José Arenas’ book signing on Saturday, January 8 at the Phoenix Restaurant in Point Arena. 5:30 – 7ish pm.

José’s book,  A Little Piece of Happiness, was recently published by PreNeo Press’ Hunger Button Books .

Image: Matthew Christopher, Western 1:47

A Little Piece of Happiness: Paintings of José Arenas

josecover300Hunger Button Books is delighted to present A Little Piece of Happiness: Paintings of José Arenas. This monograph features 53 of the paintings Arenas created between 2005 and 2009.

José Arenas is an Oakland, California and Brooklyn, New York based artist who spent much of his childhood traveling between Northern California and Guadalajara, Mexico. His experiences navigating cultures, past and present, is a point of investigation in his work. Themes in his imagery include migration, memory, childhood, rites of passage, and disjointed identities.

Book launch and signings are in the works. Tentative schedule includes PreNeo Press Studios in Redwood City on December 20 and a Gualala/Point Arena locale on January 8.

Friend us on Facebook for updates and news.

PreNeo Projects included in Southern Exposure’s Art Publishing Now Library

Three PreNeo Press related projects are included in Southern Exposure’s Art Publishing Now Library and Archive: Meaning Maker, Hunger Button Books, and Whirligig.

The Art Publishing Now Library is a physical and online archive of Art Publishers in the Bay Area. It was created in conjunction with a two day summit in October on the state of Art Publishing in the Bay Area. The library is installed at Southern Exposure from October to December 2010 and will then go on to find a new home in the Bay Area.

Southern Exposure is located at 3030 20th Street in San Francisco. You can visit the card catalog online at:

Meaning Maker at Roy C. Moore Art Gallery

Meaning Maker Periodic Personal Evaluation edition is included in the exhibition Identity, August 19 to September 16; and Relationship to Nature edition is included in Wild Culture: Ecological Perspectives, September 23 to October 26. Both are at the Roy C. Moore Art Gallery on the Gainesville State College campus in Oakwood, Georgia.

Meaning Maker in Philadelphia!


PreNeo Press launched a new Meaning Maker edition: Higher Education Edition at the annual Southern Graphics Council Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The conference was held in conjunction with a rich and expansive city-wide celebration of print art phenomena, the triennial Philagrafika.

While touring historical Philly, Meaning Maker American Citizenship Edition was inserted into all of The Great American Citizenship Quiz books in the gift shop of the Independence Visitors’ Center. This amazing information center is run by the National Parks Service. This public service action is also known as shopdropping.