Whirligig Interview: Valerie Raps

raps_smWhirligig is all tooled up over a new interview with metal arts artist Valerie Raps and her recent public art project for San José’s  Alum Rock History Corridor Project.

Cultivating Community is a life-size, stylized spring tooth harrow created from fabricated steel and cast bronze. The tines of the harrow are made from casting the arms of ten San José community members.

The sculpture is located at Tropicana Shopping Center at King and Story Roads in East San José.

The dedication ceremony is Saturday, October 29, 10:15 – 11:30 am.

Read Valerie’s interview here: whirligig.hungerbutton.org

Whirligig Interview with Jody Alexander

alexander_artistinstudioThe book is open on a new Whirligig Interview with Santa Cruz bookmaking artist, Jody Alexander.

Alexander’s work celebrates collecting, storytelling, and odd characters.

Alexander currently has two solo exhibitions open through May 31: Jody Alexander: Sedimentals at Mohr Gallery, Community School of Music and Art in Mountain View, California; and The Odd Volumes of Ruby B.: An Installation at Saffron and Genevieve in Santa Cruz, California.

Read Jody’s interview at: whirligig.hungerbutton.org.

Photo by r.r. jones.

Whirligig Interview with Marion Patterson

mpatterson_ptlobosWhirligig is pleased to announce a new interview with photographer and Bay Area native Marion Patterson.

Patterson was mentored by Ansel Adams, and has experienced a rich history surrounding the early California art and photography scenes. She was photo faculty at Foothill and DeAnza Colleges for 28 years.

Patterson has several new bodies of work coming out based on recent travels to Antarctica and the Galapagos. Her monograph Grains of Sand: Photographs by Marion Patterson was published by Stanford University Press.

Read Marion’s interview at whirligig.hungerbutton.org.

Whirligig Interview with Stacy Speyer

Stacy Speyer Polyhedra

PreNeo Press is tickled pink to publish a new Whirligig interview with textile artist Stacy Speyer.

Speyer recently completed a residency at the Exploratorium in San Francisco where she created an interactive exhibit of metal geometric forms known as polyhedra for the Exploratorium’s traveling exhibition Geometry Playground.

Visit Whirligig to read Stacy’s interview:

Whirligig Interview with Julia Bradshaw


Whirligig has a new interview with photographer and video performance artist Julia Bradshaw. Bradshaw is exhibiting seven different series of work in her first one person show at Fresno City College this month. Her work often comments on language and the mixed messages of cross-cultural exchanges.

Visit Whirligig to read Julia’s interview: