Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss
With environmental stewardship close to our hearts, we are pleased to be participating in EXTRACTION: Art on the Edge of the Abyss a multimedia, multi-venue, cross-border art intervention which seeks to provoke societal change by exposing and interrogating the negative social and environmental consequences of industrialized natural resource extraction.

A six page article about our 2020 installation You are the Tree was published in the Extraction Catalog & Exhibition Guide, section 5, pages 556—561.
Extraction Art 2021
New projects addressing extraction issues include:

From this Earth is a collaborative artist’s book written, and produced while sheltering-in-place during the 2020 pandemic and while wildfires raged across California. It is a story of transformation. An individual journeys through a devastated landscape seeking relief, motivated by an inner impetus. Text by Nanette Wylde.

Extraction Series 2021 features seven new prints by Kent Manske with more on the way.

Milagros for Times Like These, a new edition in progress by Nanette Wylde
Extraction Art Exhibitions 2021
We are honored to have work selected for this California Society of Printmaker’s exhibition.
Searching for Meaning in our Changing World Environment
April 3—May 9, 2021
Gallery Route One, Point Reyes Station, California

New Books
Six of our new trade edition books are available through Hunger Button Books. Trade edition books provide us opportunity to reach a wider audience than our limited-edition and one-of-a-kind handmade books.

Election Countdown 2020, Kent Manske
and change became, Don Drake & Kent Manske
Thomas from Delaware, Nanette Wylde
From this Earth, Kent Manske & Nanette Wylde
Redacted Babar: ABC Free, Nanette Wylde
Diverse Paths, Nanette Wylde (a flip book, what could be more fun!)
Book Arts
We are pleased to have Foodies showing in:
C O N T E N T: an Artist Books Exhibition
April 2—May 1, 2021
The Artery Gallery, Davis, California